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:: General rules

Players 3vs3 with mostly CB rules... We're allowing most of trickplanting... No boosting with two players! only one player can boost. If one clan has only 2 players, the one who has 3 can decide if they want to play 3vs2 or 2vs2... Just to make you sure, backplanting is not allowed in oasis! It's a bit lame but working tactic ok I admit it, but no, its not allowed! But you can plant dynamites in oasis to the oldcity waterpump (up) if u like, weird places in goldrush if u like and more! Backplanting is forbidden and considered as cheating! NOTE: You cant play in multiple clans! If you're playing in 2 or 3, u need to choose where u will play in the tournament!
XIIT? If and when somebody gets caught of cheating, the clan will be automatically disqualified, sad but true...
Shots, demos The winner will inform admins about the result and send screenshots or demo (if u think that the opponent was cheating). If there is a admin spectating, u dont have to inform it, but to be sure, type !add @ FCTournament
Clans This tournament is for Finnish, Swedish and Estonian clans only!

Map / Tournament rules:

This tournament is running with 3on3 configs, but we're allowing some stuff not allowed in CB ;)
League/Tournament? Both actually... We're aiming to get 16 clans to join, but now it looks that we can get 8-12 clans :O we'll see... If there will be 16 clans, we will split them in 4 or 2 groups...

1) 2maps, if tied: the map which was played with FASTEST time should be played as 3rd map!


Current maplist is:

  • Battery
  • et_beach
  • et_ice
  • Gold Rush
  • Oasis
  • Radar
  • SupplyDepot 2
  • sw_goldrush / sw_goldrush_te
  • tc_base
Time 3on3 configs (about 20mins anyways)
Mapsettings 3on3

One mapwin is 2 points, so u can get max of 4points

Teams "Hometeam" will be chosen while making the schedule... Hometeam can choose which one is allies which one is axis in the first map...
I know this tournament will take long time to end... and I also know that one or two clans will be dead before the end :) If this happens, please let us know ;)

Posted by McGangsta @ 02.05.2005 | 19.19

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